The eBook eBook: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Profitable Ebooks From Scratch is an actionable seven-part series designed to walk you through the process of how to create a profitable eBook from scratch. I have designed this guide for absolutely anyone including; small business owners looking to expand their audience and income streams, accomplished authors seeking to expand their reach into the online marketplace, entrepreneurs looking to explore new revenue opportunities, and full-time employees looking to generate some passive income while they are at work.
The eBook eBook offers detailed information outlining each stage of the process of creating, publishing and promoting an ebook. Within the guide there are many practical examples from my own personal experiences within this field, as well as from other accomplished ebook authors. A component of this book which I am particularly fond of (and I’m sure you will be too) is the Action Plan section at the end of each chapter. This plan provides you with a checklist of simple tasks to complete providing you with a logical and straightforward path to success with your ebook.
An overview of each chapter is below:
- Introduction
- PART 1: Defining the purpose of your eBook
- PART 2: Distribution channels for your eBook
- PART 3: How do you choose a price for your eBook?
- PART 4: Choosing a winning topic
- PART 5: Creating awesome content
- PART 6: Hiring an editor and cover designer
- PART 7: Promoting your eBook for success
The eBook eBook: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Profitable Ebooks From Scratch will also be available to download as a free, all-in-one eBook later this year. Stay tuned for more details.